
Thorns caught in the small of my back
like a pink flower protecting from predators

I thought I could pull them out
but they’ve dug deeper now and I’m starting to bleed

There’s silence when I speak and I’m not sure if I’ve lost my hearing
Words that prick like nettle that remain unspoken
Perhaps it’s my tongue that has been cut out

Pulling cards out of hats that aren’t my own
A 9 of swords instead of rabbit
I wasn’t expecting that
Where did the time go today?

Dipping more than a toe into the deep end
I forgot I can’t swim
But I am starting to remember what it means to steal days

I still haven’t found that rabbit
Was it even a rabbit?
Maybe it was my monster
I think it was let loose
Someone help me find it please
It needs to go back in it’s cage

Too late
Too big
Too much


I don’t think it’s my monster
It’s actually behind me
Ripping into the small of my back
Can somebody help me please?

It needs to be fed
and I don’t want that meal to be me