A Shadow in My Water

I hope that you never have to know what it’s like to have your heart broken
Again and again when hope has loosened its grip

I hope you never know what it’s like to feel like your insides have been ravaged by animals
Torn apart by sharp teeth in the winded whisper of words

I hope you never come to understand the shattering of glass when you look in the mirror
A proverbial fist with a shard through your unbearable reflection

I hope
I hope
I hope
You know what love means one day

Love for yourself
Love for your family

Love for the shreds of goodness that still exist in humanity

I hope you know what it means to be whole
To find yourself after a long and winding road of twisted barbed wire and chain link fences

I really hope you find yourself

One day by the light of that sun
rising above the jagged mountain

That you once called home
That you once called sacred space
That you once called sanctuary

Comfort away from the shadows that caress you in the dark
and again
and again

A walk to find your piece

of it

Your peace